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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Librarywala Recommends: 5 Must Read Biographies

Here’s a list of 5 autobiographies/biographies of marvelous people that readers would love – they have some interesting titles, and even more interesting stories unfolding within the pages.

1. Losing my Virginity - Richard Branson:


Maverick - the one word that explains the founder of  the Virgin Group. In his autobiography, Richard Branson says one of his prime business criteria is "fun." Not only does he share his near-death corporate experiences, but also reveals how he literally cheated death by gun, shipwreck, and balloon crash.

2. It's Not About the Bike - Lance Armstrong 


Lance Armstrong, the absolute survivor. People around the world find inspiration in the story of Lance Armstrong--a world-class athlete nearly struck down by cancer, only to recover and win the Tour de FranceArmstrong is a thoroughgoing jock. The changes brought to his life by his illness are startling and powerful, but he's just not one to give up.

There's medical detail here, which may not be for the faint of heart; from chemo to surgical procedures. Athletes and coaches everywhere will benefit from the same extraordinary detail provided about his training sessions. It's Not About the Bike is the perfect title for this book about life, death, illness, family, setbacks, and triumphs.

3. The Diary of Anne Frank 


Anne Frank received a blank diary on her 13th birthday, weeks before she and her family went into hiding in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. Her marvelously detailed entries chronicle 25 trying months of claustrophobic, quarrelsome intimacy with her parents, sister, a second family, and a middle-aged dentist. The diary's universal appeal stems from its riveting blend of the grubby particulars of life during wartime and candid discussion of emotions familiar to every adolescent. Yet Frank was no ordinary teen: the later entries reveal a sense of compassion and a spiritual depth remarkable in a girl barely 15. 

4. The Motorcycle Diaries - Ernesto "che" Guevara


The setting in the South American landscape gives the book a charisma that is decidedly apolitical. But this portrait of the young Che Guevara is quietly passionate. Guevara and his friend Alberto Granadoset off from Buenos Aires, hoping to circumnavigate the continent on a leaky motorcycle. They end up travelling more by foot, hitchhiking, and raft, but their experience of the land and the people affects them profoundly. The book ends with a declaration by Guevara, born into an upper middle class family, displaying his willingness to fight and die for the cause of the poor, and his dream of seeing a united Latin America.No book could affect an audience the same way, but The Motorcycle Diaries gives a soulful glimpse of an awakening social conscience, and that's worth experiencing.

5. The Second Coming of Steve Jobs:

(Biography by Alan Deutschman)

This fast-paced business biography about Steve Jobs, the ultimate disciplinarian is based on interviews with nearly 100 of his associates and friends. One glaring absence, however, is Jobs himself.  Deutschman reports that Jobs's resuscitation of Apple, was accomplished through a "reign of terror". He delves further into the life of the vegetarian billionaire who thrives on scarcity and adversity. Though this gossipy bio has a slick magazine feel, Deutschman gets closer to Jobs's inner self than any previous attempt. 

So that's about some famous people - what about you? If you were to write an autobiography, what would it be called?

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